DDOS is easy....DDOS Any Site From Your Droid! [GUIDE] [EXCLUSIVE]

How To DDOS Any Site From Your Droid! [GUIDE] [EXCLUSIVE] 

AnDOSid is an android tool developed by Scott Herbert that you can use to launch DDoS attacks from your mobile phone. It was developed as a stress testing tool.  AnDOSid is so powerful, that you can even use it to take down web servers. But don’t go for it, because it’s one of the quick way to get into jail!
AnDOSid is so powerful, that you can even use it to take down web servers. But don’t go for it, because it’s one of the quick ways to get into jail!
DOS or denial of service attack is very dangerous attack because it takes down the server(computer).
AnDOSid allows security professionals to simulate a DOS attack (A http post flood attack to be exact) and of course a dDOS on a web server, from mobile phones.
AnDOSid is designed for security professionals only!
How To Use AnDOSid?
  1. Download AnDOSid
  2. Install it on your device.
  3. Open AnDOSid, you will see a window like this:
  4. Enter the URL of a target website in the “Target URL” field. For example, http://facebook.com
Edit the payload size. Default size is 1024 bytes ≈ 1Kb. If you want to increase the stress, you have to increase the payload size.7. The third box determines the number of milliseconds between each hits. Default value is 1000 milliseconds = 1 second. If you want decrease or increase the time between each hits, edit the value according to your needs.8. Tap on the “Go” button to initiate DoS attack/stress testing. Whenever you want to stop hitting, tap on the “Stop” button.

                     AnDOSid | Mirror 1 | Mirror 2 (1MB)
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